For 30 days. Starting @ 15th Of January 2025.

We will teach you nothing

It takes great courage to fight for one's freedom, and to be ready to learn "nothing".

Unlearn. Let go of the old. Make one lasting change.

The Nothing Program

We will teach you "nothing".

This is not to say that you will not gain any benefits.

To have the strength to change your life, a combination of the right people, a meticulous environment, carefully crafted challenges, and a few nifty shortcuts, is what can guide you to find your own wisdom and knowledge. This is our path, and we hope you will join us.

We don't want to be yet another "self-help" program or a "school" that promises a "magic pill", but in the end provides only short-term elation and temporary motivation. There are no magic pills [well, almost, but that is a different conversation ].

What does help is hard work, accountability and the love of a community, knowledge from people who may be a little further on the path [which does not make them better than you], and your desire to search for answers. This is what we want to provide.

an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

Who Is This "Not-A-Program" Program For?

This program is for you if you are looking for something to help you make a real change in your life.

However, you don't necessarily trust gurus, self-help books, and all those Facebook advertisements that promise you miracles after you give them all your money.

You want something risk-free, and where the focus is on helping you discover your own truth together with people in a similar life situation.

You want a group of people, who can support you for 30 days and beyond.

30-Days Of Nothing

Environment For Change

If you want to grow a tree from a tiny seed, the only power you have is to control the environment. This is what we aim to do.

We aim to place you into new, unexpected, welcoming, challenging environments, that help you uncover your own answers.

Path Of Action

Development through practice is the best way to get something done. We love talking, but it is only action in the form of exercises, challenges, and tasks that actually moves the needle and allows you to have a personal experience of your own journey.


When it comes to helping yourself in your own life, one thing is more or less a necessity - your own self-knowledge. Now, this does not mean some wishy-washy concept (although we do not deny spirituality).

We simply mean that if you want to fix a car, it's best to know how it works, how all the parts come together, and to have a holistic understanding of the system.

We provide a framework for exploring yourself.

Make One Lasting Change

Last, but not least. If there is any goal at all to the program, it is to elicit an actual lasting change to your day-to-day life.

It could be a new habit or a new way to build relationships, perhaps it is something you will stop doing. The only measure of "success" is that your life changes for the better.

an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

What Will You Get?

We don't want to be snake oil salesmen, so we can't give you a promise that your life will never be the same after attending. What we can promise is that we will do our best to provide you with:

Accountability Partners & Groups
Wise People To Dialogue With
Challenging Exercises That Stimulate You To Find Your Own Answers
Unexpected Situations That Disrupt Your Default Mode Network
Games & Creative Activities

And much more. What you do with this, and how you use these tools to transform your life will be up to you. The goal for us is to help you make at least one permanent change in your life.

We Have No Authority

Did you already try "solving" your life by listening to someone telling you how exactly you should solve it? Did it work?

It would be too presumptuous of us to say that it never works, but perhaps it can be claimed that when you put authority outside of yourself: "a book". "a guru", "a teacher", you automatically give responsibility for your life to an external force as you can always blame the aforementioned authority for your failure, and you will have to give them credit for your success.

We want to explore a different path, a path, where you rely merely on yourself. It is a path where you discover your own [entirely custom to you] methods, that solve your own [very unique] challenges.

We are here simply to provide the environment that stimulates this work, and guidance that can assist in your search. That is all. The rest is up to you.

Frequently asked questions

What does the program cost?

"Nothing". Well, kind of. We don't believe in setting a price before the value is delivered and felt. Therefore, there is no upfront cost of any kind. At the end of the program, we will send you a link, where you can pay any amount you wish for the value you have received. Some of this money will be split between the participants themselves, as we will ask you to nominate those who helped you the most. So, theoretically, you can even make money.

After 2 months, we will ask for a second contribution, which by default is zero, but if you feel like the program made a much bigger dent in your life than you anticipated, you will have a chance to contribute.

How intense is the program?

If you want real change, you need to make the investment of time and effort. Of course, we all have other lives to deal with, but we don't think one is able to achieve an actual lasting effect if there is no deep commitment.

Expect to have around 2-3 hours of online interactions with the program, and another 1-2 hours of working individually. We will do our best to keep all of this - fun.

Is the program fully online?

At this time, yes. However, we do hope to start doing physical meet-ups, retreats, and other offline activities in the future. If you are interested, let us know.

When does the program start?

We are going to start on the 15th of January 2025.

What if I have another question?

Just reach out.

Who is it for? Do you accept everyone?

We have a strict selection process, mainly focusing on understanding whether you seriously want to improve your life.

We also take great care in looking for finding people who take responsibility for their lives. If you are still stuck in the "blame" world, thinking that the problem lies outside of yourself, then this is not a program for you.

Can this program really help me?

Yes, but with a 'caveat'. If you put in the work, if you take it seriously, and if you agree to the main rule of the program, then it can help you.

The main rule: "You must change at least one thing in your behavior by the end of the 30 days, forever."

Who Is Behind The Nothing Project?

The honest answer is - that it should not matter, as making them too important, would devalue the purpose of the program. It is not about any particular individual, host, mentor, guide, or facilitator, but about the group as a whole.

The team behind the program will also act as members of the group, and just like you will have to make a contribution to participate in the program. We are in this together.

If You Insist

Dmitri Sarle

Dmitri, if anything, is the 'source' of the idea, and has a passion for finding ways of guidance and practical paths to life-problems. In his former life, he was the founder of one of the largest startup support and event organizations ArcticStartup & Arctic15 (This is where the love for events comes from), started a lot of businesses, mentored hundreds of founders (and realized it boring to just talk about business). Today he studies Zen, and Buddhism, practices Gong Fu tea ceremonies, and Kung Fu.

Valerie Sarle

Valerie is the soul that goes into the unknown to find the right feelings for the event and helps to create and organize the space for the event. She is a multidisciplinary artist - Glass Blower, Movement Artist, Animator, and Space Creator.

Formerly, she is a space lawyer, entrepreneur, media professional, writer, and much more.